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Polypropylene Composites under Impact: Anisotropy, Mapping and Failure Criteria in Simulations, and Validation on a Part for Building and Construction Industry

Part and component design with Polypropylene Compounds can create several challenges for simulation methods. When Short Glass Fibers Polypropylene (SGF-PP) is considered, fiber orientation prediction, process-induced anisotropy and rupture criteria must be properly addressed in the structural analyses. The time frame is also relevant, as industrial environment simulations often need to provide fast solutions to designers in order to limit the time to market. Responding to the needs of a simulation tool for an early stage design, this paper describes a methodology based on an orthotropic material law (Ls-dyna MAT_157), embedded interactive criteria and a mapping tool (LS-DYNA ENVYO). This approach has been applied in the design of a part used in the building and construction industry, for which an experimental validation on an impact test has been also carried out. This study is here reported.