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Lithium-Ion Battery Models and Thermal Management in LS-DYNA

We have developed two Lithium-ion battery models in LS-DYNA®: i) a single insertion lithium metal model, and ii) a dual insertion composite model. Our models are intended to assist users in tackling problems ranging from the fundamental battery cell physics to very complex situations such as thermal management (TM) of electric vehicle (EV), and eventually, battery-structure-interaction (BSI) problems. The battery models in LS-DYNA® are based on the following multiphysics aspects: 1) thermodynamics, 2) kinetics, and 3) transport. In thermodynamics, the role of electrochemical potential, which is the driving force in the concentrated solution will be discussed, and an example will be provided as to how to set up the open-circuit potential card in the keyword input. Detailed presentation of Bulter-Volmer kinetics illustrates how to correctly evaluate the surface overpotential at the interface between electrode and electrolyte, and also the pore-wall flux from the insertion materials in compsite electrodes. In addition, comprehensive keyword set up for the transport properties in both aqueous and polymer electrolyte will be provided, including the concentrated material transport theory. For the thermal treatment of the battery model, we have coupled with existing thermal solver and structure solver and thus, we will present a keyword example showing how to simulate a thermal problem in a battery cell stack, module and pack in the practical scaled-up EV application. Finally, we will provide the future development plan to handle more complex problems confronting the battery related industries by using BSI solver in LS-DYNA®.

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