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Automating Oasys PRIMER and Oasys D3PLOT using JavaScript

Oasys PRIMER and Oasys D3PLOT now contain JavaScript interpreters. Adding a scripting engine allows the user to automate both pre and post processing tasks. Extensions to the core JavaScript language allow the user to interact with the programs, create and/or manipulate data, create user interfaces, read and write files and extend the functionality of PRIMER and D3PLOT. The syntax is quick and easy to learn. There are several advantages in using scripts: • Quick turnaround – you do not have to wait for new version of PRIMER or D3PLOT • You can keep your application confidential • The script is under your control – you can do it yourself if you wish. This paper describes the scripting technology, outlines possible applications and gives demonstrations in Oasys PRIMER and Oasys D3PLOT.