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Comparison of Faceted Vs Ellipsoid Dummies In Frontal Crash Simulations

An improved Hybrid-III 50th %ile crash test dummy model has been developed in MADYMO. Advanced multibody techniques have been used to obtain fast computation times with the geometry and potential accuracy of CPU intensive finite element models. So-called facet surfaces have been used in combination with flexible bodies and rigid bodies. The MADYMO contact algorithm has been enhanced with options to separately describe the non-linear compliance of two contacting objects such as a dummy and a seat and orthotropic, penetration- dependent friction has been implemented to capture of ‘belt pocketing’ in the dummy flesh. The available set of component and full dummy validations has been extended with load cases representing the latest restraint system designs and test procedures. A systematic validation has been performed using objective rating techniques to compare the enhanced facet model to the standard ellipsoid model. Objective rating showed that the enhanced facet model provides significant benefits in particular for chest deflections.

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