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Grid-Based LS-DYNA Solutions

In addition to offering SPARC/Solaris systems for MCAE users, Sun Microsystems also markets Opteron-based servers and workstations. These Opteron solutions offer excellent price/performance for LS-DYNA simulations, and are particularly suitable for clustering. Users have a choice of three operating systems: Solaris 10 x64; Linux (SuSE or Red Hat); or Microsoft Windows. This paper describes briefly these computing systems, and show some typical LS-DYNA performances on standard benchmarks such the 3-car- crash problem. Also cited is a Mefos cold rolling benchmark, run using both a SPARC/Solaris Sun Fire V480 server as well as a cluster of Sun LX50 Xeon- based processors. Sun's cluster systems typically utilize Sun's N1GE grid engine load management software to schedule, manage, and prioritize compute jobs.

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