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LS-DYNA® R7: Strong Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) capabilities and associated meshing tools for the incompressible CFD solver (ICFD), applications and examples.

LS-DYNA version R7 includes CFD solvers for both compressible and incompressible flows. The solvers may run as standalone CFD solvers or they could be coupled to the LS-DYNA solid mechanics and thermal solvers for fluid structure interaction (FSI) and conjugate heat transfer problems. This paper will focus on the Incompressible CFD solver in LS-DYNA (ICFD) and its Fluid-solid interaction capabilities (FSI). Fluid structure interaction problems occur in physics whenever the flow over a structure causes deformation or displacement which in turn may influence the way how the fluid behaves. One of WKH VROYHU¶V PDLQ IHDWXUHV LV WKH LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ RI D UREXVW VWURQJ )6, FRXSOLQJ ZKLFK RSHQV D ZLGH QHZ range of applications in the range of aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, hemodynamics and so forth. Several examples will be provided for illustration and discussion. The ICFD solver is the first in LS-DYNA to make use of a new volume mesher that takes surface meshes bounding the fluid domain as input. For FSI problems that involve big displacements, the volume mesher algorithms need to be robust and flexible. Some of the latest developments and mesh control tools that are made available for the user will therefore also be introduced.