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Experiments and Simulations of Explosives: Shock Wave Propagation around a Convex Structure

IRSN provides technical support to the relevant French authorities involved in the security of nuclear material, nuclear facilities and in the transportation of nuclear material. In order to improve its knowledge on blast wave propagation, IRSN has set-up a laboratory scale able to perform detonations of solid explosives against rigid structures (no damage or deformation). In July, 2017, the 7th experimental campaign was conducted on this set-up to study the shock wave propagation around a convex structure. Several configurations were tested, involving a charge of 50 g of TNT equivalent and a horizontal half cylinder. The pressure data obtained have been compared with simulations performed using LS-DYNA® and OURANOS (French software developed by CEA). Concerning simulations, a process of validation was conducted on both software programs, in order to test mesh choices (mesh size, structured or unstructured mesh…) and boundary conditions (mesh boundaries, coupling…).