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Definition of Peak Virtual Power Brain Trauma Variables for the use in the JSOL THUMS injury post-processor web-based estimator

Road traffic accidents and falls are catastrophic events leading to serious injury and in some cases fatality. The dichotomy is that traumatic injuries are assessed using the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS), which is a measurement of the probability of death, whilst the engineering tools available to support the understanding of injury causation rely on engineering measurements of stress and strain. Further to this, the problem of ageing is not adequately dealt with using existing engineering tools. The research proposes the development of a generic mathematical injury severity model, based on Peak Virtual Power (PVP) [1], to establish relationships between AIS, ageing and collision speed. This method, newly implemented JSOL THUMS injury post-processor web-based estimator, has the ability to calculate all AIS levels from the white and grey matter and is defined as a polynomial function. This paper explains the underpinning of the Peak Virtual Power theory, as well as provide the coefficients to calculate brain injury severity under blunt trauma impact.